June 2007 Results

Starting Totals for June 2007

My Savings Account: $258.07

My Investing Account: $668.82

My Money Market Account: $60.87
* Don't forget this amount is actually in my Day Trading Experiement* It increased .02 cents because it was in the money market account for a few days before it was transfered to the investing account!

My Personal Lending Account: $245.39
Currently loaned: $241.51
Waiting to be Loaned: $3.87

Ending Totals for June 2007

My Savings Account: $258.07 <0>

My Investing Account: $600.47 <-$68.35>

My Money Market Account: $39.73 <-$21.14>
* Don't forget this amount is actually in my Day Trading Experiement* $.11 is actually in the account.

My Personal Lending Account: $248.85 <+3.46>
Currently loaned: $232.90
Waiting to be Loaned: $15.95

The Not-So-Grand Total for June is $1147.62 or a loss of $2.76 per day. That Sucks!

Since July 1st I have already bought stock in a new company, which will be released in the July Reports. It is an energy play and pays a nice dividend. Also I was planning on going to a casino yesterday and blowing some serious cash, but that didn't happen, so...I will be depositing some of that ear-marked money into my accounts. I am planning adding to some of my positions concerning some of stocks I already own.

This bear market is a blessing in disquise.....Everytime my dividends are paid to me they are automatically reinvested into more stock. With my stocks being down, my dividends are buying more shares and when the market eventually rebounds, I will have a nice little position in these stocks that didn't cost me much. AWESOME!