New Idea.....!?!

Back in 2006 I had a small antique/jewelry/coin store while I was attending college. It was was less then 4 blocks away from my university and I opened the doors between classes. I also used the down time as study time. I shopped for items for the store on ebay, at auctions, at flea markets etc.....

One day a guy came in and bought nearly everything in my store.... I could start over trying to refill the store with items or get a job. I decided to get a job. I still have this job and enjoy many of the aspects of it.

My dilemma...I still have the paperwork for my store...the sales tax (I occasionally sell items online)

I think I want to start again, but keep my job... How do I do this???

I am thinking that I could rent a small storage unit...fill it with items when I have time to shop..then open the doors once or twice per month on my days off and depending on the weather. I could just put an ad in the paper and be open for like 4 hours on a weekend or something. Gives me something to do, since I cant get a part-time job due to my changing schedule at my current job.

What do you think???? Should I do it????

p.s. I think that I might have enough items in the garage to fill up a storage unit and have a sale already.



  1. Anonymous said,
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    on July 11, 2010 at 5:38 AM