April 2008 Results
April was not kind to me, I gave back nearly everything I had made in March, hopefully May will be better to me.
The Starting Balances for April were:
My Savings Account: $256.24
My Investing Account: $704.82
My Money Market Account: $25.83
My Personal Lending Account: $240.95
Currently Loaned: $199.29
Waiting to be Loaned: $41.66
The Ending Amounts for April:
My Savings Account: $258.07 <+1.83>
My Investing Account: $670.11 <-34.71>
My Money Market Account: $60.85 <+35.02> $35 came from Cash infusion and will not be counted as profit.
My Personal Lending Account $242.98 <+2.03>
Currently Loaned: $194.22
Waiting to be Loaned: $48.76
The Grand Total Earnings for April are.........-$30.83 or -$1.028 per day.
The Running Total for this Blog: +$3.76
What really got me this month was my investing account and my money market account only returned half as much as last month. 3 of my 4 accounts went up but the one with the majority of money in it went down.
I had originally planned to write a piece on Prosper.com and how the person to person loans were working. I was also going to bid on another loan, but one of my loan payments that I was supposed to get was/is late. So I will be doing that for the month of May! Oh yeah, if I would have gotten my other payment, my total would have been fractionally higher for the personal loan account.
I want to thank the "Tye News" for putting an article about this blog in their paper.