What am I doing for May?
Well, since I am now done with classes for a few weeks, I will now have more time to work on making money!!!!! (I still have a may-term that I am working on)
My plans:
I am going to try day trading, well, kind of, I am going to place limit orders everyday and see if I can at least quadruple my money market account balance. I am putting my money market balance with some other money that I have to see how I do for the month.
I also now have enough funds in my personal loan account to start bidding on another loan. I am currently bidding on one with about a 15% return on it! Like I said, if you want to join Prosper.com let me recommend you and we will both get $25!
I am also trying a little experiment with two other friends. We plan on "stuffing envelopes" to see if someone can actually make money at it. I am going to front all start-up costs. I just mailed off for the information today, so I will keep you posted.
Those are my plans for May and don't forget I start my internship at the end of this month, so I will be very busy. I also plan on trying to sell some items on ebay this month, probably tuesday! I will post when they are listed!
Also, I might have a possible post about a friend getting a second summer job to help make ends meet!